"To My Dear and Loving Husband" by Anne Bradstreet Thy love is such I can no way repay The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. Auden’s ‘The More Loving One’ demonstrates this - though ultimately he would rather be ‘the more loving one’ himself, Auden perfectly encapsulates the pain of loss when love ends. Whilst poems about heartbreak might not be as uplifting as those about the joys of love, they can be equally as beautiful and meaningful. Auden Were all stars to disappear or die, I should learn to look at an empty sky And feel its total dark sublime, Though this might take me a little time. Margaret Atwood unflinchingly lays out some of these in her poem ‘Variations on the Word Love’. One of the most fascinating things about love is that it can come in so many different forms - platonic, passionate, or even patronizing. "Variations on the Word Love" by Margaret Atwood It is this candor which makes the poem so beautiful.

For context, Atwood here admits to the challenges of marriage and acknowledges the work needed to overcome them. Where painfully and with wonder at having survived even this farīest known for her alarmingly realistic dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood demonstrates similar strengths in this poem: ‘Habitation’ is strikingly real. "Habitation" by Margaret Atwood at the back where we squat outside, eating popcorn The language is simple yet evocative, putting a strong metaphor in the reader’s mind and facilitating a deeper understanding of Arnold’s feelings. In this piece, Arnold recounts a moment with his partner that makes his love grow even stronger. The raw honesty of Craig Arnold’s poetry makes ‘Bird-Understander’ an easy pick for our list of the most beautiful love poems. If only I could show you how very useless they are not You have offered them to me I am only giving them back "Bird-Understander" by Craig Arnold These are your own words your way of noticing and saying plainly of not turning away from hurt In ‘Come, And Be My Baby’, Angelou beautifully captures how overwhelming modern life can be and the comfort that love can provide during times of hardship - even if only for a moment. Maya Angelou was one of America’s most acclaimed poets and storytellers, as well as a celebrated educator and civil rights activist. Discover which poem best fits you in this quiz.